The Secret has now become a global phenomenon in the law of attraction theory. I mention theory, because this is what 'The Secret' is attempting to make manifest within ones present reality. The secret law of attraction, claims it's teachers, has been known for millennia yet suppressed from our knowledge; and only now in the modern 21st century that we currently live has this law been unearthed and fed into your computer screens at the speed of light, well actually, more at the speed of your broadband connection.
This first paragraph actually sounds like I am about to debunk the secret and it's wealth of teachers and experts. I can assure you this is a long way from the truth, as I actually attempt to explain in my own words about how. with the simplest of words, you can manifest aboslutely anything you wish into or out of your life.
I should explain that 'the secret' is a new and effective way for you to have some 'mind over matter' control over every area of your life. Obviously, in these 'baby boomer' times the internet marketing machine has now turned it's attention to three things very close to peoples lives. These being health, wealth and happiness according to the law of attraction enthusiasts anyway.
Some people believe that the reason that certain events happen to them is all down to luck, whether that is good or bad. However, I can categorically say, due to my own experiences, that it has nothing to do with luck at all. It has far more to do with the way that we think, speak and take action.
In these super charged, high energy days, the thing which is most ignored is 'slowing down'. We rush from here to there much of the time oblivious to the sight and sounds around us. You may have missed that person calling you in the street to give you a million dollar modelling contract, now does this come under good or bad luck$%:
Slow down and you will hear more opportunities, see more opportunities and if your really attentive, you may even find yourself at the end of big fat payday or a chance of a lifetime. My advice is to not miss a thing, it could be leading you right to your own pot of gold.
Of course without taking some course of action, then it would seem logical that nothing happens. indeed, nothing happens at all without some action being taken. Try this simple test if you wish, sit there and do nothing about those annoying debts or feelings of ill health, and in a months time we shall come along and check if anything happened. We are pretty certain that nothing at all will have happened.
Slowing down and thinking, is very effective in clearing away the clutter within your mind, but if nothing is done once that little divine spark hits you, then believe me when I say, nothing happens.
Take action and anything is possible when you focus upon a thought .
Before I go any further and begin to ramble my life away, I took action today due to a thought, have you$%: